pal mun xiIi

our history

It all started in 2006 when the student council first heard about Model United Nation conferences held around the world. Their infatuation with the activity pushed them to learn, teach, arrange, and implement the first Palestinian Model United Nations conference in 2011. The huge success of the first PalMun conference pushed students to create a Mun board that consistently works on arranging conferences throughout the years, allowing delegates to attend multiple international conferences. The amount of valuable experience the delegates have gained from both local and international conferences was massive. With that in mind, it was realized that the importance of Mun was far too big to not share. The annual PalMun conferences held at the Ramallah Friends School was a breakthrough not only for our school but for Palestine as a whole; it was the first Mun conference that accommodated students from all around Palestine. As years pass by, the continued support and love the Mun club receives pushes us to keep going in hopes to gear the world in a better direction.

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our mission

In today’s constantly evolving world, Palestine finds itself at the epicenter of many of the political and social conflicts in the world. It was the youth who raised their voices against oppression and occupation and called for freedom during the first and second Intifadas and it proved to be a catalyst for change and continued to press for human rights, justice and peace. Therefore, it has become PalMUN’s mission to provide a platform for the Palestinian youth to continue to raise their voices for human rights, justice, peace and all the other global issues that arise and our rapidly changing world.